In the late summer of 2010, my beautiful wife and I made the crazy decision to move out of the city and into the Central Texas countryside. It was here that Big Z Creations was formed. This blog chronicles our experiences in gardening, home renovation and repair, woodworking, raising chickens and much more.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I've put together the basic components of the bench top router table and put it into the shop last night. I didn't do much in the shop, just kinda took a look around and assessed a few things. I've decided that I'm going to need to build a cabinet that's going to be tall enough to house the bench top router table.

Since the bench top router table is 14" in height, I'll have to build a rolling cabinet that is 24" long x 14"wide x 24" high. I'll also have to factor the height minus the height of the locking and straight casters that I add on. The casters will make the cabinet portable and easier to position around the shop. I have a preliminary design build in mind but I'm going to research around a little more in order to start shopping for materials. Unfortunately, the weather has not subsided and the temperatures inside my shop remain deadly hot. I'll have to do this build late in the evenings and possibly outside.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Away for a while.

It has been over two weeks since my last post. I have been forced to take a break from woodworking due to the extreme heat. I've been mostly taking it easy, I've floated the river a couple of times and it's been good for me to just keep cool. My shop temperature mid day is around 110 degrees, at night it's usually still holding at 100 degrees. Not a very safe temperature to be out there.

I have made some new editions to the shop in the time I've been away from it. I have purchased and installed a new metal tool stand for my table saw. This has eliminated the need for the portable folding stand that came with my table saw which was unstable and took up too much space. The new stand is sturdy and strong and has a small footprint. In a small shop like mine, space is valuable.

Besides the new table saw stand, I have purchased a sign maker's kit and a bench top router table. I am anxious to start using the sign makers kit as well as the new router table. I was really happy about the fact that I purchased both at an incredible price.
I'll focus on getting familiar with how these two things are set up before I get the chance to really go crazy with them.

Another thing I have to ad to my shop list is to get out and shop for wood for future projects. I'm completely out of hardwoods and have only a pieces of scrap softwood laying around. I also have to shop around for a good project to work on too. In the mean time, I'll patiently wait for it to get cooler outside.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Weekend Update.
I had a rad weekend. I'm so stoked that I got so much done and I logged a couple of hours in the shop. It was a hot and sweaty time in the shop, I mean sweat was pouring off of me. But that's a good thing in my mind - it's like working out, ha ha ha. I maintained drinking a lot of fluids so I was okay. The shop thermometer read 100 degrees yesterday, we got up to 102 in Bastrop just yesterday. It was our first triple digit weather day.

Sliding Tool Cabinet Project
I'd say that I am on the last leg of this project. I have the cabinet base attached to the bin shelf and that entire component mounted to the wall. I have attached a few photos and it's looking really really good. It's been a few weeks of hard work on this project and I am very proud of it. I was very careful of it's quality and craftsmanship, What remains of this project is the construction of the sliding doors, a layer of finishing tongue oil and maybe a few spots to be sanded. Also, I'd like to make labels for the bins and have them organized. Tonight, I'll begin the door frames... hopefully... if it isn't too hot... Enjoy the photos!!