In the late summer of 2010, my beautiful wife and I made the crazy decision to move out of the city and into the Central Texas countryside. It was here that Big Z Creations was formed. This blog chronicles our experiences in gardening, home renovation and repair, woodworking, raising chickens and much more.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Well, I'll begin to put up the insulation today as I spent most of yesterday putting up my tools and getting the shop prepped to move a few things around. I'm starting with the North Wall which is my hottest wall temperature-wise and coincidentally the wall on which I'll be building the beast of a shop cabinet that you see above.

This shop cabinet is constructed mainly of 1x6's and 1x4's and a few sheets of peg board. I've avoided the antiquated design of the peg board as a backdrop for my tool storage needs for as long as I could for the fact that I simply don't like the design of it. Given my growing amount of hand tools and tool miscellanea, I have but no choice but to revert to this simple and effect means by which to store them. I was also intrigued by this updated plan, it has a challenging design that incorporates rabbets and dado cuts. It'll be great practice for doing these specific cuts on the table saw. I'll admit that I was a bit intimidated by the complexity of this specific cabinet's construction but I'm still getting use to the layout plans and how they are illustrated.

Either way, it's an exciting venture and I want to get it built and have it ready to mount after I have that wall section of the insulation put up. I'll simply add the door rollers and sliding doors later.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see it when it's complete! Looks like it will be really rad!


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